
Rhythm Design Inc. ( RDI ) is the office for a structural design. We provide an appropriate engineering service for architecture and environment.Recent situations of construction are changeable and difficult to forecast, therefore we value the real and up to date information through a direct communication between people and people.We have established three offices in Tokyo,Nagoya and Yamagata to get that real information. The interaction between the three cities
would make us easy to communicate directly to the people in need. NAGOYA STUDIO and YAMAGATA STUDIO has a large area for making drawings, structural models and computer simulations. TOKYO STUDIO is conveniently located in “Azabu.” This studio with a quite atmosphere is the place for our communications. We hope to meet many of you here.


About RDI
structural designer /
Nakata Takushi
構造デザイナー / 中田 琢史
1967 Born in Mie Prefecture
1991 Bachelor of Fine Arts at Tokyo Zokei University
1991~2002 Structural Design Group
1998~2000 Chief Director of SDG-SEOUL
2002〜2013 Established Rhythm Design
2014〜2018 Established Rhythm Design Mov with M.Kanayama
2014〜 Part-time lecturer at Chiba University and Chubu University
2018〜 Modified Rhythm Design Mov to Rhythm Design Inc.
グッドデザイン賞2006年(上野ガス フラム),中部建築賞2011年(むさしの幼稚園),木材活用コンクール住宅部門賞2012年(堀切の家),グッドデザイン賞2012年(磯子の家),中部建築賞2012年(上野ガス SOLA)グッドデザイン賞2012年(上野ガス SOLA)
Japan Good Design Aword 2006 (FLAME Ueno Gas Companey),The 43th Chubu Architectural Aword 2011 (Musashino kindergarten),The 14th Wooden Structure competition (House in Horikiri ),Japan Good Design Aword 2012 (House in Isoko),The 44th Chubu Architectural Aword 2012 (SOLA Ueno Gas Companey),Japan Good Design Aword 2013 (SOLA Ueno Gas Companey)
■構造設計集団 在籍時の主な担当プロジェクト/Projects in SDG
1995年 JRCフライトキッチン/アルコム,1996年 浮かぶ劇場/槙総合計画事務所,1996年 安曇野ちひろ美術館/内藤廣建築設計事務所,1997年 幕張メッセ北ホール/槙総合計画事務所,2001年 韓国ウルサンムンスサッカースタジアム/POS-A.C.(韓国)
JRC Flight Ketchen 1995/ ARCOM,Floating Pavilion in Groningen 1996/ Maki and Associates,Azumino Chihiro Musium1996 / Naito Arcitect and Associates ,The North Hall of Makuhari Mess 1997/ Maki and Associates,Ulsan Football Stadium in KOREA 2001/ POS.A.C
About RDI
qualified architect /
Saito Miyuki
一級建築士 / 斉藤 美幸
1979 Born in Akita Prefecture
2001 Bachelor of Engineer at Niigata University
2003 Master of Engineering at Niigata University
2003~2004 AAD Architects
2004~2008 Osamu Watanabe Architects
2008〜2013 Rhythm Design
2014〜2018 Rhythm Design Mov
2018〜 Rhythm Design Inc.
About RDI
staff /
Nakashima Ayako
スタッフ / 中島 綾子
1974 Born in Aichi Prefecture
1996 Bachelor of Literature at Aichi Shukutoku University
1996〜2000 Aichi KOKUYO
2000〜2002 Interior coordinator at Office Sekiei
2016〜2018 Rhythm Design Mov
2019〜 Rhythm Design Inc.
About RDI
staff /
Konno Risa
スタッフ / 今野 里咲
1997 Born in Aichi Prefecture
2020 Bachelor of Living Environment Design at Sugiyama Jogakuen University
2020〜 Rhythm Design Inc.
About RDI
staff /
Kouno Tetsuya
スタッフ・二級建築士 / 河野 哲也
1997 Born in Aichi Prefecture
2020 Bachelor of Engineering at Chubu University
2022 Master of Engineering at Chubu University
2022〜 Rhythm Design Inc.
優秀賞2018年 (UR賃貸住宅リノベーションコンペティション)
最優秀賞2019年 (日本建築学会 コロキウム構造形態の解析と創生・第14回形態創生コンテスト2019)
Outstanding performance Award 2018 (UR Rental Housing Renovation Competition)
Best Performance Award 2019 (Collquium Analysis and Generation of Structural Shapes and Systems・14th Morphogenesis Contest 2019)
Kiainokai Special Award 2019 (Furniture and space that make the most of local mountain cedar Contest 2019)
Best Performance Award 2020 (Chubu University Graduation Design)


〒460-0013 愛知県名古屋市中区上前津1-2-21
代表取締役 中田 琢史
一級建築士事務所:山形県知事登録(1812)第2044号 管理建築士:岡崎美幸/一級建築士大臣登録 第357257